

               Nature regulates the whole universe. Sun rises and sets in tome. day & night appear in time, school. offices and traffic work in time. The entire system way be disorganized if there is not any principle. Same way. there are some principles Mich should be followed by a palmist because in its absence a palmist can not work to produce accurate results and his work will be affected. Some important principles of palmistry are present here: -

1. An appropriate arrangement of light is must.
2. The shape of the palms should be examined first like the thickness, length, colour & inclination etc.
3. After that examine the structure of the palm. There are seven types of palms, all the shapes of palm should be taken into consideration like - whether they are square. small or big etc.
 4. The structure of fingers and thumb should also be examined like - their length. thickness. width. etc they are small or tall, they are inclined in front or backside. they are soft Of hard or cap like.
5. Alter all these, life line should be studied like its thickness island on it, whether the line is clear or incomplete & its origin place?
6. Brain line. its shape. size, length and how it is ending should also be examined.
7. Destiny line should also be examined in the same way. Its thickness, depth, thinners, not fully developed, whether it is inclined on brain or ends at heart, or it goes to Saturn line.
8. Other small lines like Surya line, Moon line, Marriage line, Mars km, Mercury line. Jupiter finger, Saturn linger, Sun finger. Venus linger. Trikona. square, bracelet lines and spots in palms should also be studies. []
9. Palmistry is Incomplete without the knowledge of planets. That giving to predict events without the knowledge of planet will not be justified. We have to see which planet is strong or which planet is weak & where it is placed

