Line of Intuition (line of Uranus) and your ability of clairvoyance

Line of Intuition (line of Uranus) and your ability of clairvoyance

The Line of Intuition, or also called as the line of Uranus, is a line in the shape of a crescent that begins on our Luna mount and moves in a gentle arc toward our Mercury mount (see pic below), sometimes running parallel to the stomach line. The line of Intuition is a highly positive sign, although it is extremely rare to be found in its perfect form, this line indicates a powerful intuition with strong psychic abilities. Clairvoyants, mediums, and healers often have this kind of line on their palm.

The depth of the line tells the depth to which the owner reaches his/her intuitive self. Naturally, such lines in square hands will not provide the same level of intuition as on psychic hands. If the intuition line cuts the head line, it can damage the power of the brain. An island in the beginning of this line means tendency towards somnambulism (see pic below).

Other important factors in the hand which add to psychic or intuitive powers are:

A head line which slopes towards the Luna mount.
A well developed mount of Luna.
Long fingers with pointed tips.
A pointed thumb.
Line of Escape

The Line of Escape is generally located at the base of our thumb, expanding horizontally. It originates within your Line of Life and crossing it and other vertical lines of your lower palm and leading to the heel of your hand (see pic above). It displays your vital forces that escapes from the field of life into the realm of imaginaton. This line tells of an individual who runs away from her/his problems under the garb of imagination.

Normal position of the Line:

This Line forms a semi-circle traversing across from the face of the Mount of Mercury to that of the Mount of Moon.
General functions of the Line:
(1) It represents the speed with which the sharpness of the intellectual faculty is operative in a person
(2) It indicates the possession of an intuitional ability of presentiments, strange events, vivid dreams and warnings, and above all in a 'gifted Palm' the faculty of clairvoyance.
Nature of the Line of Intuition
366. The Line is clear with a high Mount of Moon, more pronounced in its upper part Mesmeric, hypnotizing power.
367. If the Line starts higher up on the Mount of Moon.  Intuitive faculty of the subject under control.
368. Broken repeatedly Intuitive tendency by fits and starts - and cannot be relied upon.
369. Forming a triangle with the Line of Fate and the Line of Head strong aptitude for occult sciences.
370. An island in the beginning of the Line Tendency towards somnambulism.
371. If the Line of head sinks low on the Mount of Moon and the Line of Intuition cuts it Mental forces injured by allowing too much imagination and intuition to have their say.
372. If a branch rises from this Line and runs to the Mount of Jupiter Ambitious to accomplish something with one's intuitive faculties - often successful occultists.
373. If the Line ends in a star Great success in intuitive flashes.
374. If a Line from the Line of Intuition merges with the Saturn Line The exercise of the intuitive faculties will assist the career of the subject.




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