Nails reading, useful palmistry guide

Nails reading, useful palmistry guide

In order to read the shape of your fingernail, you have to look at the living part of the nail, the part that is the color of your hand, to see what shape your nail is in. (The white part has already stopped growing and is being pushed along by the newly forming nail under the skin.)

Long or Short?

Nail length can be quite a useful barometer of internal pressure and stress. The longer the nails, the more stress or nervous unrest the person is likely to experience. Still, in spite of some nervousness or excitability, long-nailed people can also be amazingly calm, kind, and patient. They are also said to be creative: A long nail shows a good imagination, a sympathetic nature, and an open and accepting personality.
Nail length also indicates the amount of productive energy. Short-nailed people typically have more energy, perhaps because those with long nails tire easily from their many intellectual pursuits. A short nail shows an impatient, argumentative, and mistrustful nature. You may be a hardworking and dedicated employee, but you can also be too critical as a boss and too controlling, a micromanager. You are proud and hate to lose any battle, and you may be witty and self-confident, but far too often at another's expense
Thick nails often belong to people who are frail or sickly, while thin nails belong to the healthy and robust. Wide nails mean you are a plain speaker, a what-you-see-is-what-you-get personality, while narrow nails belong to the more eloquent and polished.
People who have shorter-than-average nails are good critics and love to debate all the hot topics of the day. Although they have quick tempers, they can usually keep it under control, and most people don't think of them as argumentative. If your shortest nail is square at the base, you can take it a step further — you don't just get mad, you get even.
People who have shorter-than-average nails are good critics and love to debate all the hot topics of the day. Although they have quick tempers, they can usually keep it under control, and most people don't think of them as argumentative. If your shortest nail is square at the base, you can take it a step further — you don't just get mad, you get even.

A Geometric Reading

Also, see if your nails can be categorized according to their shape:
  • Square: A square nail indicates a good temper, broad-mindedness, and a pleasant disposition. If your nail is large, so is your heart — you are agreeable, warm, and trusting. But the smaller the nail, the more mistrustful and cold you will be.
  • Rectangle: If your thumb has a rectangular, horizontal nail, you are forceful and sometimes quarrelsome and prefer to express yourself quickly and loudly — and then become calm again when the storm subsides. If you have a broad nail, you can be strong and stubborn, but you are optimistic and look to your strength to get you through life.
  • Wedge: Wedge-shaped nails are narrow at the bottom and wide toward the top. These nails belong to nervous people or those who have been under a lot of stress. Maybe it grows in this form to make it easier for you to chew on. At any rate, find a way to relax more.
  • Oval: An oval nail is the kind seen in hand lotion commercials, and it generally represents a gentle and sweet soul with a strong emotional life. However, you may be too gentle and meek, and should work on building physical and mental stamina.
Fingernails may also have marks that offer further indications of personality and challenges. For instance, you might have specks that indicate health challenges — or perhaps horizontal or vertical lines, indicating worries that are more practical in nature.
If your nail shape dents in when looked at from a sidewise view, look for a nutritional problem or iron deficiency. And a nail that goes in the opposite direction, downward over the tip of the finger, can indicate a respiratory problem.

Growth Patterns

You should also look at the growth pattern of the nail to get insights about your health. Vertical ridges that run the length of the nail show a tendency toward having joint, digestive, or dermatological problems. Horizontal ridges that run across the nail signify nutritional problems. However, if you have only one horizontal ridge or groove, it means you have undergone a great trauma or illness.

Gazing at the Moon

At the bottom of the fingernail lies the moon — that white, rounded part at the cuticle line that is most easily seen on the thumb. Your fingernail is being produced below this cuticle line, and the moon is actually part of the root of the nail, so the condition of the moon is a good indicator of your health.
If you cannot see the moon, it may be a sign of bad circulation, low blood pressure, or general poor health. If there is a large moon, there may be high blood pressure, an overactive thyroid, and perhaps an overly sensitive disposition. Ideally, your hands should show good clear half moons, which indicate a good temper and healthy heart.

Color Counts

It is also possible to tell a lot about you by looking at the color of the nail. The color should be lighter than that of the skin of the hand itself and it should be of a consistent hue, pinkish in the hands of people with primarily European ancestors, tan in persons with Asian forebears, and beige in the hands of those of mostly African ancestry.
If your nails are too pale, you may be iron deficient, and if they are too red, see a doctor about your circulatory system. Spots and blemishes can indicate a vitamin or mineral deficiency. A reddish nail can also mean that you are too hostile and impatient, while a white or gray hue can be a sign that you are self-involved and not enough aware of others and their needs.
Your fingertips, then, offer a wealth of information about you, and as you reach out to grasp your life, you should let that information guide you in ways that will enable you to make that life a fuller and healthier one.

