Main Four Lines of Your Hand

Main Four Lines of Your Hand

No two hands are identical; not even your own left or right hand are the same. Some individuals have many lines and others have a few (more complex artists, philosophers and such will often have more lines in their hands then someone with an elementary hand) Most hands have three main creases in the palm, these are your line of life (circles the base of the thumb), line of heart (runs below the mounts under the fingers) and line of head (crosses the middle of the hand, under the heart line). 
Before you begin a palm reading you may want to get a magnifying glass to accurately read the lines. You will also want to view the palm in a well lit room or in sunlight to insure proper identification of the shape, color, depth, length and breaks in lines in the hand. 
Should you read the right hand, the left hand or both?
This decision can vary and is tricky; often customs, origin or how or when you were taught will decide what hand you read. Some believe if you are left handed, to read the right hand and to read the left hand of those who are right handed. I was taught to read both hands and typically, this is the most popular way of today.

The Line of Life:

This is the most important line in interpreting the past and future potential of a person’s life. It can reveal disease, health, vitality, stress, luck and the life span of an individual. A short line of life does not necessarily predict a short life. A short line of life on both hands can mean death at the age level it ends on or it can a mean a low vital energy or a weak will for the time it extends to. It is also good to note that the line of life can also grow longer with age. So, if you see a short line of life, do not interpret it as a sign of death.Fine lines that cross the line of life denote mental stress, worry and anxiety. Deep and thicker cross lines indicate a physical illness or injury. Short breaks or a fork in the line of life can signify an illness. Chains in the line of life signify mental or physical disorders during a period of one’s life.

Smooth, well-formed lines that shoot off of the line of life indicate success or fortune and are
 always favorable.

Below is a drawing of a Palmary Clock to use to determine age of events on the line of life. When you see a break, cross line or other marking, use this as a guide to find the approximate age of when this will happen and for how long.

The Line of Heart

The Heart line is second in importance to the line of life as health is concerned, it tells us about our emotional upsets and the vitality of the heart itself. However, do not come to a conclusion of a health problem with the heart by only examining the line of heart itself.
Chains in the line indicate weakness of the heart or flirtatious behavior. Lines that break through or come off the heart line and point downward to the line of the head, indicate  illness. An island in the line of the heart denotes a weakness in the heart. A red heart line can indicate violent behavior and wild passionate obsessions (*note to self avoid people with red heart lines). A yellow heart line indicates liver problems. A faint line denotes a sensitive or weak heart. Dots signify a disappointment in love. A fork indicates divorce or an ending of a relationship. If you heart line is high and close to your fingers it indicates passionate and jealous behavior.

The Line of Head

The length of the head line measures the intellect of a person. A straight line crossing the entire palm indicates good organization skills and a practical nature. Breaks in the line indicate a change in intelligence and character. If it runs close to the heart line, it is an indication of asthma or allergies. Is your headline straight and stiff? You are selfish. Chains indicate headaches. Long and straight lines indicate a detailed person. If the head line is separate from the line of life; you are a confident individual. If it is connected to the line of life and follows it for a while, you are shy and lack confidence. Most people with a head line that is separate from other lines will be successful in life.

The Line of Fate

Reveals circumstances in life that are beyond our control, it is also known as the Line of Saturn.  The line of fate has the same information as the line of life, however it cannot be measured by the same timeline and should be read from the bottom up. The part that runs from the line of the head to the heart line measures from the ages of 30 to 40/45. Past the headline it measures to the end of life. See the image below for reference.

Broken segments that mark the high and lows of ones life. Adultery shows up on the line as an island. The deeper the line, the more you are affected by fate. If it joins the line of life, you are a self-made individual.
Not everyone has a line of fate, if you do not have a fate line it means you will not have bad luck and at the same time will not experience good luck either. It can also mean that you may not experience success at all in life.

Reading the lines of palmistry utilizing the palmistry diagram of hand below.

A – The Life line runs from between the thumb and index finger downwards towards the wrist. It documents the relationship we have with our family and graphs our energy levels.
A common mistake by some palm readers is to suggest that a short life line indicates a short life, instead it is rather the depth and strength of the life line in comparison with the other lines that is a better indicator.

B – The Head line runs from between our thumb and index finger sloping downwards towards the left of our palm. It indicates the fortitude of the mind and one’s artistic capacity.
C – The Heart line runs from below the little finger towards the index finger, it is the uppermost main line – seen on the palmistry diagram of hand below. It indicates how we interact with and respond to other people and beings around us. It also documents our input into our relationships.
D – The Fate/destiny line runs from the bottom center of the palm towards the ring and middle finger. At times it is not present at all.

It documents one’s career path and the consistencies within the work environment.
Hand analysis lines
Palmistry diagram of hand showing major lines of palmistry.

Significance of the mounts in basic palm reading

We analyze the mounts in combination with the lines of palmistry and the fingers.
Generally speaking, the mounts represent where our energy and talents lie. The Mounts that are more developed than others represent strengths in certain characteristics – something which we highlight in  palm reading and that you can take advantage of.
Referring to the next palmistry diagram of hand below,
Ju – the Jupiter mount, represents our ambition, enthusiasm and willingness to share and socialize.
Sa – the Saturn mount, represents our stability, responsibility and love of tradition. It may also show a greater understanding of time, rhythm and the deeper aspects of life.
Ap – the Apollo or Sun mount, the “sun” says it all, love of life, spontaneity, fruitfulness, creativity, success – a sunny disposition.
Me – the Mercury mount, our ability to converse and interact with others. A developed mount signifies an ability to convey a message quickly, clearly and diplomatically, serves well in commerce and negotiation.
Ma+Mars positive or the 1st Mars mount, (shown between the thumb and index finger on the palmistry diagram of hand below) denotes our courage and willingness to defend our beliefs and the beliefs of others. Energy and tenacity.
Ma-Mars negative or the 2nd Mars mount, represents our sense of responsibility and commitment to the social community, and our staying power under trying circumstances.
Pl of Ma – the Mars plain, distinguishes how bearing (or over bearing) our personality is on others and to what degree we make use of our 1st and 2nd Mars characteristics.
Lu – the mount of Luna or the Moon mount, (bottom right hand corner of thepalmistry diagram of hand) represents our sense of imagination, inventiveness, intuition and romantic aspirations. The written skills are well represented here. A strong desire for change. (Add palm reading comment here.)
Ne – the Neptune mount, not very common, sometimes confused with the lower part of the Venus mount. Indicates a charming magnetic and intuitive character. At ease performing in front of others.
Ve – the Venus mount. Perhaps the greatest indicator of our passion for life and others, and our virility. The padding is usually very pronounced in the hands of artists and can also signify good circulation and constitution.
The palmistry diagram of hand below corresponds to the above labels.
mounts on hand
‘palmistry diagram of hand’ showing the mounts.

The fingers in basic palm reading

We analyze the fingers in combination with the mounts and lines of palmistry. Some aspects of the fingers which we observe while analyzing the hand are the length, diameter, flexibility, end shape, flesh colour, alignment, finger spacings, phalanges/phalanxes(fingers are usually divided into 3 phalanxes) , finger print patterns, joints, nails, finger setting and  markings. Generally speaking long slender fingers suggest intellectual quickness and mental power, while shorter broader fingers indicate a practical approach to issues. The fingers and their respective mounts have the same names and

represent the same qualities, and so the fingers can also enhance or diminish the mounts’ characteristics.
Refer to the palmistry diagram of hand below.
hand reading fingers
Palm reading diagram of hand showing finger characteristics.
Ju – Jupiter or index finger, if long it suggests ambition adaptability and magnetism to power and command over others. A short finger could suggest lack of ambition.

Sa – Saturn or middle finger, our maturity and how we deal with responsibility. The centre finger also illustrates how balanced we are in life.

Ap – Apollo or ring finger, our love of aesthetics, our emotional needs, and desire for the limelight.
Me – Mercury or little finger, our intimate relationship with others and our ability to express it through verbal and written skills.
The thumb – the wider the opening between the thumb and index finger the more open and trustworthy the person is, also a flexible thumb suggests a flexible character (see the ‘thumb and index spacing’ label on the palmistry diagram of hand above).

The thumb also highlights our inner drive and willpower, and our ability to get the job do

