Money Wealth and Fame

Money, Wealth & Fame indicators on your hands lines 


Money problems are part of life. Charles Dickens' character, Mr. Micawber, expressed the matter very well: "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."2 Since no one ever has enough, you will be asked many questions about this subject.
Money is indicated in three ways on the palm (figure 48). Inherited money is shown by a small line between the third and fourth forgers that curves part of the way around the third forger. Unfortunately, this line is not very helpful. It gives no indication as to when the money will be inherited or how much money is involved. It is simply an indication that the person has, or will, inherit money.

Easy money is shown by a triangle on the inside of the life line. One side of it is made up by the life line, and the other two lines are minor lines. This triangle always indicates a large amount of money.

 However, the term "large" depends on what the person considers to be a large amount. A large lotto win, for instance, would be shown as a triangle on the life line. A win of a thousand dollars on a horse race would probably not be shown, because that is not considered a large amount of money these days. However, if you were living on the streets and suddenly won a thousand dollars, that might very well be indicated on the palm, since you would consider that to be a fortune.

Most people have to earn their own money. Their potential is indicated by a small triangle in the center of the hand. Two sides of this are created by the destiny and head lines, and a minor line on the little finger side of the palm creates the third side. This triangle is extremely small and shows the person's potential. It does not necessarily mean that he or she will earn that amount of money over a lifetime.

First, we have to see if the person is motivated to achieve it. We determine this by looking at the top two phalanges of the thumb to see if willpower and logic are roughly even. If the second phalange (logic) is much longer than the tip section, the person is probably not going to make much money, since he or she will think, and think, and then think some more. This person is likely to achieve very little.

We also have to look at the head line to see if the person has the necessary brain power to make much money. Remember that a short head line does not mean a lack of intellectual ability. It denotes a quick, sharp, and often highly shrewd thinker. Someone lace this could well make a great deal of money, compared to someone with a long head line who enjoys learning for its own sake.

We also need to see if the money triangle is open or closed. If it is closed, the person is able to hang on to some of the money after earning it. If it is open, most of the money will disappear.

A thin line that bisects the minor line (third side of the money triangle) indicates financial difficulties at different times. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing because it can be a spur to progress. This person often takes two steps forward, and then slides back one step. Ultimately, this person may very well be extremely successful, but will be a plodder rather than a "whiz kid."

Sometimes you will see a double money sign. In this case, there are two minor lines that each join the destiny and head lines, creating a small triangle inside a larger one. This is a sign that the person will make money, and will then have investments which create additional money. It is a sign of both earned and unearned income. []

 I always tell my clients that the amount of money indicated is a potential, and it is up to them to achieve it.








This is located between the little finger and the ring finger, and it crosses the heart line. The money line on your left palm represents the financial fate you were born with, whilst the one on your right palm suggests the fortune that you will create. The thicker the line, the better your luck. The money line indicates your luck with money, your attitude toward it, and your living conditions. 

Sun Line
The Sun Line is a vertical line below the ring finger and parallel to the Career Line.
Two Sun Lines appeared like a pair indicates the person is famous and renowned. If there are several lines, it indicates too many interests without a particular focus.
If there are circular or cross creases on the Sun Line, it indicates loss in wealth or fame.

Money Line
The Money Line refers to all creases, vertical or horizontal, on the bottom section of the thumb. The more creases, the more wealth will be accumulated. 




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