Children Lines:whether or not you will have

Children Lines: To predict with remarkable accuracy whether or not you will have children and how many

The Lines relating to children are those finely marked upright lines found immediately above the Line of Marriage (12, Plate XVIII.). A very good plan, in trying to see these Lines, is to press this portion of the hand with the tips of the fingers, and then note which of these small lines stand out the most clearly.

Sometimes they are extremely deeply marked, and as a rule much more so on a woman's hand than on a man's. In many cases it is necessary to employ a magnifying glass in order to see them.
Broad and deep lines denote male children, fine and narrow lines, females.
When they appear as straight lines they denote strong healthy children, but when very faint or crooked, the children indicated are always delicate.

When the first part of the little line (taking it upward from the Line of Marriage) is marked with a small "island," such a child will be very delicate in its early life, but if the line appears well marked when the "island" is passed, the probability is that it will grow up strong and healthy. When ending or broken at the "island" the child will never grow up.
When one line stands out very clear and distinct among the others, the child the mark indicates will be more to the parent, and will be more successful than any of the others.
To know the number of children anyone will have, it is necessary to count these lines from the outside of the hand in towards the palm.
A person with the Mount of Venus very flat on the hand, and very poorly developed, is not likely to have any children at all, and this is all the more certain if the first Bracelet is found rising up like an arch into or towards the palm.
Children Lines 
Short vertical lines above the marriage lines indicate good chances of giving birth to son(s);While short vertical lines below the marriage lines indicate potential in having daughter(s).
An abundance of these short vertical lines also indicate good fertility and relationship between parent and child (children).
The linesabove the line of marriage and at the base of the thumb are lines related to children. But, this line should be studied along with the other lines and features on a hand to predict the possibility of getting children. A well-developed mount of Venus and the curved path of line of life represents a good possibility of getting children. One can accurately make out how many children one will get, whether the children will play an important part in his or her life or not, will they be delicate or strong and will they be a male or a female by the position of this line, by various mounts they touch and by their appearence.
The general representations of the shape and positions of the line of children are as follows :

  • Hast Sanjivan states that the number of lines from the bracelet till the line of life indicates the number of children in the life of a person.
  • If the lines below the bracelet are even in number, then a female child is born first and if the lines are odd in number then a male child is born first.
  • The first line which extends outside the hand above the line of marriage, indicate the first child, second indicates the second child and so on.
  • The straight line of children indicates a male child and a bent line indicates a female child.
  • When the first bracelet takes a long turn and enters the palm, it indicates an obstacle or an unhappiness related to your children.
  • The line of children appears more prominent on the hands of females rather than males.
  • When the lines of children are clearly marked, these denote strong and healthy children. On the contrary if the lines are faint and wavy, the subject’s children are weak.
  • When a little island is present in the first part of the line, the child will be very delicate in his or her early life. But if the line is well marked further, the child will have a good health eventually.
  • When one line is longer and well-marked than the rest of the lines, one child will be more important to the parents than all the others.
  • The crosses or breaks in this line represent abortion or death of the child.
  • When the life line encloses the mount of Venus and shrinks it, there are possibilities of harm for the child of the subject.
  • When these lines are well-marked and clear in the hands of a man, he will have an extremely affectionate nature and will love the children.

If I foster a child or work with children will that show in the palm?

Yes, the line however cuts through the marriage line. If the child line joins the marriage line, then it is your birth child.
Many faint vertical lines seen around the Mount of Mercury show you work with children.

Will it be a boy or a girl?

If the line is vertical it will be a boy and diagonal it will be a girl.

Will my child be healthy?

Look for lines attached to the marriage line.  A deep line is best for good health but generally indicates an outgoing personality and a light line a shy child. If the line has a circle symbol it will drain a chid’s health 0r can indicate a difficult pregnancy. Wavy lines can indicate anxiety. Squares show guardian angels.

What will their personality and talents be like?

Symbols such as triangles on the children lines show talent for business. If the line is long and reaches up into the base of the little finger of Mercury they will be a chatterbox in touch with angels and imaginary friends. A forked child line shows multiple talents and they may change their direction later on in life.

Will I have twins?

A doubled child line that both join together and a doubling of other major lines in the palm can sometimes indicate twins.

