Line of Education on Palm
Everyone know that education in the largest sense, is any act or
experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or
physical ability of an individual, education is the lifelong process
that keeps educating throughout anyone's life.
In the study of palmistry, a palmist can observe the line of education
which indicates the level of education, that any individual gets in his
or her life.
The education line originates between the Finger of Saturn and the
Finger of Apollo on the palm, and it proceeds ahead leaning over the
Mount of Sun. Those individuals having education line, gets full
success in the field of education, no matter whatever course they take
in their life.
Sometimes, it has been found that person who have education line present
on their hand, do not get their formal higher education, yet they are
very wise and intelligent in most of their concerns. Most of them are
Honored in the civilized Society just due to their present sense of
living, understanding, wisdom, and the contribution towards the
The line of education makes any person to get success in their lives
easily, because they get widely accepted and recognized by their society
where they serves, because of the lines that are presents on their
It is well to observe the palm carefully, before telling the hand
analysed report to the person. Palmistry is a art of telling the
fortunes through observing, analyzing and calculating the shapes, lines,
signs and other marks on the hand, so it should be done as per the
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