1. Height
The average
height of the women makes her beloved of her husband and such women are well
versed in household duties and perform them well.
2. If a women
is too tall, such a woman is not so sexy.
3. If she is
short, she is happy go lucky, quite sexy, fond of the pleasures of the bed,
sweet hearted and is fond of music.
2. Heir on the Head
It is an
accepted dictum that a woman should have long hair of a dark colour because
long hair is looked upon as a symbol of beauty.
1. When a women
has shoulder length hair, it indicates that she is self praising, envious and
2. If the
colour of hair is red, the woman is of a harsh temperament, quarrelsome and
3. If the hair
is black and curly, she is lucky and wealthy.
4. If it is
thick and hard, thick and rough or short, it is a sign of bad luck.
5. When the
hair is soft, silky to the touch, thin, dark, very long even upto the knees and
smooth,, that is an indication of beauty and good luck.
3. Head
1 . When the
front part of the head is straight, she is lucky.
2. If the head
is round like that of an elephant, it indicates that such a woman will be lucky
and lead a comfortable life.
3. If the head
is long, such a woman will be of a questionable character.
4. If the head
is round like a circle, she will be unlucky.
4. Forehead
The forehead of
a woman is the part of the body which gives a firsthand impression of a woman
and should be analysed as under:
1 . When the
forehead is long and broad, she is unlucky and may be the cause of death of her
father in law.
2. A high forehead
is auspicious for a woman, indicating good luck and prosperity.
3. If the
forehead is long and the veins are visible, the woman has loose morals.
4. If there is
red and standing hair on the forehead, it portends ill luck.
5. When the
forehead is covered with hair, that indicates a selfish, fretful and mean
mentality in a woman.
6. When the
forehead is depressed in the middle, such a woman is jealous, having illicit
relations with some and has ill will against others.
7. A lady
having a forehead of a half moon shape, less hair, clear and shining and
horizontal line is known as a lucky woman. Many have called such women abodes
of Lakshmi.
5. Eyebrows
Another eye catching item on the face is the eyebrows. Disturbed, wavy,
irregular eye brows do not appeal to the naked eye in the
first instance.
1. When the
eyebrows are like a bow and the hair is soft, black and neither scanty nor
bushy, that is a sign not only of beauty but also of good
luck and a strong character.
2. When the
brows are wide, wavy and their colour is golden and are bushy, such a woman is
not lucky, she is of ill temper, mean nature,
short sighted and narrow minded.
3. If the
eyebrows are hairless or have scanty hair, it is an omen of bad luck.
4. When the
hair of the eyebrows joins together, it is a sure sign of widowhood. Such a
woman is wicked, untrustworthy and a cheat.
5. If the
eyebrows are straight, lengthy, ill formed and reddish, with broken joints and
thick, it indicates an unlucky woman.
6. When the
eyebrows are curved and bent down on the eyelids, of black colour and there is
soft hair of even thickness, it is a sign of a
lucky damsel. Such a damsel is wealthy, of pleasing manners, good nature and is
endowed with all virtues.
6. Eyes
The sparkling
eyes of a damsel attract everybody and are universally loved but the other.
types of eyes are detailed as under.
1. When the
eyes of a sweetheart are like those of a deer, i. e., they are big, restless,
large, extended, shining with lustre, have dark pupils with red threads around,
exuding smooth and pleasant radiance, that indicates perfectly beautiful eyes.
Such a woman is lucky, of a domineering nature, respected and a leader of any
2. When the
eyes are small, dull, gloomy, restless, grey coloured, round, slightly bent and
blank and the shapes are like those of pigeons, elephants or buffaloes, they
denote ugliness in a woman. Such a woman is shrewd, of loose ,morals and cannot
rise in life.
3. If the eyes
are red, she is passionate, a cheat and untrustworthy.
4. If the eyes
are big, long, black, with a red line therein, they denote a passionate nature.
Such a damsel is very popular in society.
5. If the eyes
are black and round, she is very sexy.
6. If the eyes
are drowsy, such a woman is fond of the opposite sex and has loose morals.
7. If the eyes
are blue, she is untrustworthy, sexy and of loose morals.
8. If the sides
of eyes are soft and the hair is black, it is a sign of good luck.
9. When the
sides of eyes have scanty hair, yellow colour and ends are thick, it indicates
ill luck.
7. Nose
Like eyes, the
nose too has a special important tance in the face.
1. If the nose
of a woman is like that of a parrot, she must be good natured, enjoy fame, be
clever and a well wisher of her family.
2. A straight
nose which is symmetrical in proportion and normal makes a woman beauti ul,
wise, witty and diligent.
3. Women with a
small nose are cunning, shrewd, mischievous and lustful.
4. If the nose
is depressed in the middle, is small, long, the front part very high, crooked
or very fat, then such a woman will be devoid of love and sympathy. She will be
wicked, cruel, loose in character, hasty in action.
5. If the
nostrils are fat and wide, the woman will be lazy, strong headed, proud and
fond of a pleasurable life.
6. If the tip
of the nose is small, the woman will pass her life as a slave.
7. If the tip
of the nose is long, she will be of a harsh temperament.
8, If the tip
is depressed, it is an ill omen for the longevity of her husband.
9. if there is
hair on the nose, such a woman is unlucky, of loose character and shrewd.
8. Ears
1. When a woman
has her ears long, a little flabby, soft, proportionate in dimensions, equal in
size and appeal to the naked eye, that indicates that she will be lucky and
will lead a comfortable life.
2. In case the
ears are crooked, thin, unequal in size, the holes in them either too small or
do not appear, it indicates that such a woman is unlucky.
3. When the
lower part of the ear is depressed, that too makes a woman unlucky.
9. Countenance
means face. It is said that the face is an index of the mind, fortune and
personality. Everything depends on the face, particularly in this material
world. If the face is well shaped and a woman is beautiful, she is respected
and regarded well everywhere.
1. If the face
is round, soft, flushed red, smooth, fleshy, glamorous, lustful, the lady is
considered fortunate even like a princess. She is respected, she is a good
administrator, can control all situations with confidence. Soch a face is
considered a beautiful face.
2. If the face
of a damsel is like that of her parents, it is a sign of good luck.
3. If the face
of a woman emits odour or is naturally odorised, it indicates wealth and luck.
4. If the f ace
of a damsel is red in colour, she will be lucky and famous.
5. If t1he face
is pale, the woman is of a questionable character and of loose morals.
6. If the face
is white or has a reddish tinge, such a damsel is of a loving disposition.
7. If a damsel
has a shining face of black colour, she can be classed as shrewd, a cheat and
8. If the mouth
of a damsel is too wide, it indicates her passionate nature. Such a damsel
cannot be sexually satisfied.
The colours of
the face referred to above are natural ones and as they appear when a woman is
in normal health.
10. Cheeks
1. Red blood
coloured, radiant cheeks are liked by everybody. If a damsel has round, full
and red cheeks, it indicates good health and beauty and is a sign of
2. When the
cheeks are depressed, fleshless, skinny and have hair on them, it indicates
illhealth and such a woman is considered an unfortunate creature.
3. Tempting
cheeks which develop dimples while a subject laughs or talks are not at al I a
lucky sign. Such a woman is considered whorish and sex ridden.
4. But if
dimples develop on tempting cheeks only while smiling, they are indications of
a woman being beloved of her husband.
5. Apple
coloured cheeks do not presage a good character.
6. Black dots
on cheeks indicate depravity and a loose character.
11. Lips
1. If the lips
are red, thin, smooth, hairless, well shaped and of equal proportions, they are
regarded as good. Such a woman is loved by her husband.
2. A woman with
thin lips has longing desires and tenderness, is good in household work and, in
addition, loves talking.
3. If the lips
are black and thick, the damsel is given to luxury, is restless and likely to
fall prey to temptations. She is sexy. This shape is considered unfortunate and
such women tend to roam from door to door.
4. If the lips
are heavy, drooping and thick, the lady may become adulterous and unchaste.
5. If the lower
lip is of red colour and round and has a line thereon, such a damsel leads the
life of a queen and is very lucky and wealthy.
6. If the lower
lip is thick and of black colour, she is of a quarrelsome nature and may lose
her husband.
7. When the
lower lip is thin, long, broken and dry, it is a sign of ill luck.
8. If the upper
lip is soft and convex in the centre and is devoid of hair, such a damsel is
considered lucky and is full of passion.
9. If the upper
lip is thick, has hair on it, is long and dry, it is a sure sign of loose
character and shows that the woman is fond of the pleasures of the bed.
12. Teeth
1. When the
teeth of a damsel are white, lustrous, shining, pearl like, of equal size and
sixteen in number in each set, they indicate a fortunate damsel.
2. If the teeth
are big, long, crooked, unequal, high and low, dirty or blackish in colour,
they destroy facial beauty. Such a woman is unlucky and unworthy of being
married to anyone.
3. If the
number of teeth in the lower jaw is nore than those in the upper jaw, it is an
unlucky sign.
4. If the teeth
are ugly, such a woman is aslo not lucky.
5. If there is
distance between the teeth and they are not evenly placed, that denotes a
damsel of loose morals and nefarious habits.
6. Grinding of
teeth in sleep is a bad omen.
7. Black gums
instead of red are a sign of ill iuck.
8. Teeth like
those of a rat are not considered good or lucky.
13. Chin
1. A round,
smooth, soft, symmetrical and proportionate chin is a sign of luck for a
2. When the
chin is heavy, fat, protruding, conic, out of proportion and not round, it
denotes a woman of short temper, of hasty action, haughty, not clear at heart,
secretive, harmful, self centred, of a scheming nature, with the habit of fault
finding. Such a woman is not lucky as she gets into trouble all her life.
3. If there is
a pit in the chin, the woman should be cheerful, lovable, kind hearted but
would be unlucky as far as wealth and happiness in life are concerned.
14. Tongue
1. A red
coloured tongue indicates a lucky girl.
2. if the col
our of the tongue is black, such a woman will be quarrelsorne, jealous, hot
tempered and envious.
3. If the
tongue is of white colour, the subject does not maintain good health.
4. if the
tongue is rough and abrased near its tip, it denotes a woman of a quarrelsome
and wicked nature. She is a backbiter, talkative and generally remains gloomy
for no apparent reason.
5. A too long
tongue indicates an unlucky woman.
15. Nock
1. A smooth,
conch like, not very long neck adds beauty to a woman. This type of neck is
called a Surahidar neck.
2. A long
necked girl is not lucky.
3. A fleshy and
cushion like neck is a portent of widowhood.
4. If the neck
is too short, it denotes childlessness.
5. If the neck
is like that of a deer, she is very popular and beloved of all.
6. If the neck
is small, fat and wide, the nature of such woman will be bad and she will
engage in malevolent and mischievous actions.
7. If three
wrinkles appear on the neck, a woman is blessed with sufficient ornaments, and
will have wealth and good luck.
16. Breasts
Women with
proportionate, round and wellset breasts are regarded as an asset to the family
and society.
1. If the
breasts are round, hard, veiny, well proportioned, of moderate size and equal,
such a damsel will be the soul of the family and society; she will be
respected, loved by her husband, and be passionate and sexy.
2. If the
breasts are fat, disproportionate, narrower at the end from their root, or one
breast is heavy and another light, such a girl is not lucky. The later part of
life of such girls will be full of troubles, wants and turmoils.
3. if the
breasts are long, hanging up to the belly, it indicates widowhood.
4. But when the
breasts are longer than normal and full of flesh, it indicates too many
6. if the
breast on the left side is higher than that on the right side, more daughters
will be, born to her.
7. If the upper
part of the breasts is depressed, large, narrow, rough, flabby and loose, it
indicates a woman of vengeance, retribution and she will do evil deeds.
8. When the
breasts are high, the lady is lucky.
9. When the
breasts are high and broad, she becomes a Widow.
10. If the
breasts are of red colour, that denotes a very sexy nature and the woman is
never sexually satisfied.
11. If red
veins are found on the breasts, such a woman is lucky and will have good a
12. If the
breasts are very small, such a woman is sexy, adulterous and unlucky.
17. Nipples
1. If the
nipples are dark red in colour, round. beautiful in shape, the woman is sure to
be blessed with a son.
2. If the tips
are different in shape and size, fat at the top and thin at the bottom with
hair, high and low, they are important but such a woman is not lucky.
3. If the tips
are hard, small, and squeezed, the woman will lead a comfortable life.
4. If the tips
are full of flesh at the roots and soft, such a woman will be pious.
18. Voice
1. A sweet and
kokil like voice is God’s gift. Damsels gifted with such a sweet and pleasing
voice are generally good natured. loving and attractive.
7. If the upper
part of the breasts is depressed, large, narrow, rough, flabby and loose, it
indicates a woman of vengeance, retribution and she will do evil deeds.
8. When the
breasts are high, the lady is lucky.
9. When the
breasts are high and broad, she becomes a Widow.
10. If the
breasts are of red colour, that denotes a very sexy nature and the woman is never
sexually satisfied.
11. If red
veins are found on the breasts, such a woman is lucky and will have good a
12. If the
breasts are very small, such a woman is sexy, adulterous and unlucky.
1. A sweet and
kokil like voice is God’s gift. Damsels gifted with such a sweet and pleasing
voice are generally good natured. loving and attractive.
2. A harsh and
rough voice which is repugnant to the ear indicates a quarrelsome, wicked,
cunning and shrewd woman.
3. A woman with
a man like voice is unlucky,
4. A woman who
while talking moves her eyes and breasts to and fro, remains happy in the
company of men.
19. Palate
The palate in
Hindi is car led Talu. This is a place above the tongue and behind the top set
of teeth generally found red in colour.
1. A woman who
has a palate soft and of red colour is very fortunate.
2. If its
colour is white, the damsel will be like a queen or a good administrator.
3. If the
colour is black, such a woman will be quarrelsome, leading a miserable life.
4. If its colour
is yellow, such a woman will be a cheat, a liar and also wicked.
5. If the
palate is fleshy, her wealth will be wasted.
20. Arms
1. Straight,
hairless, soft and fleshy, well shaped and chiselled, and proportionately built
arms generally belong to a lucky damsel.
2. If the arms
are hairy, hard, stiff and small, the woman is unfortunate.
3. If they are
short, the woman is unlucky.
4. If the veins
are clearly visible on the arms, the woman will lead a miserable life.
5. When there
is thick or bushy hair and the quality of hain is rough and thick, it indicates
21. Shoulders
1. A damsel
having straight, not too long, short and fleshy shoulders is termed lucky.
2. When the
shoulders are crooked, fat and hairy, they are an indication of widow hood and
ill luck.
22. Hands
There are many
types of hands like those of men, which have, already been detailed. We shall
here discuss some specific points about hands.
Extraordinarily long hands of a woman denote ill luck and may lead to
2. When the
hands are beautiful, soft and delicate, they are a sure sign of a wealthy and
lucky woman.
3. Rough,
unequal, crude and dry hands indicate misfortune and a life of struggle.
4. If there is
a sweating in the hands, the indication is of ill luck. For a fortunate woman,
there should be no sweating.
23. Belly
1. Not too wide
and high, proportionate and symmetrical, soft, smooth, hairless, not very large
these are the main specifications of a belly which make a damsel attractive and
2. When the belly
is long or high, hairy, bulging or protruding, such a woman is very unlucky and
3. When the
belly is too short, the woman will not bear a child.
4. A long belly
is an omen of ill luck.
5. If the belly
is very short and soft, and the veins are visible over the same, it denotes
that the woman is fond of sweets and is very sexy and passionate.
6. When the
belly is like a drum or a pitcher, life will be miserable for that woman.
7. If the belly
is like the belly of a deer and blue veins are visible thereon, it is a sign of
a lucky disposition. Such a woman will be a good administrator.
24. Umbilicus
Umbilicus is
the medical name of a part of the body. We can simply call it the navel, the
central portion of the belly.
1. If the navel
point is deep, beautiful, the woman is popular and is beloved of her husband.
2. If the navel
point is broad, fleshy but not very deep, it denotes that such a woman is
beautiful and quite lucky.
3. If the navel
point is raised a bit from the right side, it indicates the woman to be like
queen and will lead a comfortable life.
25. Fingers and Thumbs
Here we shall
discuss Fingers and Thumbs in general only from the physiognomical point of
view, The details have been discussed
elsewhere in this book.
1. When the
Fingers of a damsel are long, thin, soft and conical, she is lucky.
2. Women whose
Thumb is weak and thin with knotty Fingers, the Fingers thin in the middle and
fat at the tips marry only for the sake of wealth and not for love or family
3. If the
Fingers are small, broad and spatu late and on the back of the Fingers there is
hair, it indicates an unlucky disposition.
4. When the
Thumb is supple or bends backward and the Fingers are smooth and pointed, the
woman is very particular about her dress, self centred and of a conceited
5. When the
Fingers of a damsel are thin and pointed, it will make a woman very passionate,
sexy and she will be like a social butterfly.
6. If the
Fingers are short and curved and there is space between them which allows light
to pass through when closed together, that denotes a life of struggle.
7. When the
first and second Fingers of a woman are long and conical and the third and
Fourth Fingers are specially long and curved, it indicates gambling instincts.
8. If the
Fingers and Thumb are short and f at, they indicate a stubborn nature.
9. When the
third and fourth Fingers in a woman’s Hand are a little curved and the Thumb is
weak and thin, her will power will also be very weak.
10. When the
Thumb is small and the Fingers are conical, the woman will be very faithful to
her husband, clever and fond of animals.
11. If the
Thumb is small and the Fingers are square, such a woman will be of an
analytical nature.
12. If the
Thumb is broad and the Fingers are square, then a woman is mischievous and of a
quarrelsome nature.
13. When the
Fingers are crooked, small, rough, uneven, flat and/or of a bad colour, such a
woman is unlucky
26. Waist
1. When the
waist of a lady is fat but small, it indicates her loose character; she is fond
,of good dresses.
2. A waist like
that of a tiger is best. It should be narrow, well formed, not too small nor
very large or fleshy. But it should be smooth and hairless; that is a sign of
beauty. Such a woman will be popular, the cynosure of all eyes and fortunate.
3. If the waist
is bent, big, flabby, hairy, rough and crooked, then the lady will be wicked,
peevish, shrewd, unfortunate and may marry more than once.
4. Hair an the
waist indicates an unfortunate woman with a loose character.
27. Thighs
1. The thighs
should be straight, round, taparing like an elephant’s trunk, hairless, fleshy,
not bony. Then such a damsel will be lucky, brave and kind hearted.
2. When the
thighs are broad and hairy, it indicates poverty and a life of struggle.
3. If the
thighs are fat, very hairy, disproportioned, thin, skinny, such a woman will be
unlucky, even sickly.
4. If the
junction of thighs and the trunk of the body are broad and hairy, the husband
of such a woman will be in trouble. Such a woman willhave a roaming nature.
28. Hair on Body
1. When the
hair on the body of a damsel is standing and hard, she will tend to be a slave.
2. If the hair
is curly and even, she will be lucky.
3. If the hair
is scanty, thin, small, straight and broken, the woman will become a widow.
29. Back
1. When the
back of a women is fleshy and the long backbone is not visible, it indicates
that such a women will be lucky and wealthy.
2. If the back
is bent and full of veins, it is a sign of bad luck.
3. If there is
hair on the back, it is an indication of widowhood.
30. Knees
1. When the
knees of a damsel are fleshy and round, it indicates that she will be
2. If the knees
are not so fleshy, the woman will have a roaming nature.
3. When the
knees are raised and strong, it is an indication of poverty.
31. Calf Muscles
I If the calves
of a woman are tapering, round, fleshy and hairless, it indicates that such a
woman is pious, religious and will do good deeds.
2. If there is
hair on the calf, it is a sign of ill luck. She will work as a servant.
3. When the
calves are flabby and disproportionate, that is a sure sign of ill luck.
32. Ankles
1 When the
ankles of a women are fleshy and round, they promise a fortunate life.
2. If the
ankles produce a sound when they get rubbed against each other while walking,
it denotes widowhood.
3. If the
ankles are broad and disproportionate, it denotes bad luck.
33. Hoofs
1. When the
heel of the right foot is high and f at, the woman is lucky, will have children
and also a good disposition.
2. If the heels
are broad, they denote a shortlived husband.
3. If the heels
are fat, fleshy and lustrous, such a woman is of loose morals, a cheat, wicked
and unfaithful. She is also proud.
34. Feet
Feet are the
major indication of the character and luck of a woman.
1 . While
walking, if the full foot falls on the ground and all toes touch the ground, it
is a good sign.
2. In case the
third and fourth toes do not touch the ground, such a woman may become a widow.
3. Big,
disproportionate in length as compared to the body, rough, hard, hairy and
sweating feet are an indication of bad luck.
4. The best and
beautiful feet are of red colour, well formed, not very fleshy, of medium size
but those tend to make the woman proud, daring and successful in life.
5. if the toes
of a woman are soft, round, fairly raised and closely set together, that is a
sign of good fortune.
6. If the toes
are crooked or broken, the woman is of a deceiving nature.
7. If the toes
are short, the woman will be short lived,
8. If the feet and
toes are fat, the woman will be unlucky and a servant.
9. If the toes
are wide apart, such a women may kill her husband and take another man.
10. During
walking, if a cloud of dust is raised, such a woman becomes the cause of the
ruin of her family.
11. When the
first toe is longer than the big toe, she is self willed, licentious and of a
domineering nature.
12. If the
second toe is longer then the big toe the woman is unlucky, a source of worry
to others. One should not marry such a damsel.
13. If the second
toe is equal in length to the f irst toe’ it i nd icates a wom an of a pa
ssionate nature who may do evil deeds.
14. if the
second toe is longer than the first, the women is wealthy and lucky.
16. When the
third toe is long, she is of a loose character. If the third toe is too short
and it does not touch the ground, she will become a widow. She will have
children from her second husband. But if the same toe touches the ground, she
isloved by many and is popular.
17. In case the
fourth toe is equal to the second toe or is longer than that, it denotes that
she will always be swayed by passion and be sex ridden from childhood to old
18. If the
second and third toes are short, the woman will not marry at all.
19. If the big
toe of a woman is red, she will not be held in esteem by her husband.
20. If all the
toes are round, she will be the wife of a rich man and will love him with