All the Influence Lines on the Mount of Venus indicate the influences of persons who have affected the subject. Persons with such Lines are emotional and impressionable.
Often, the Life Line has a sister Line known as the Line of Mars When any Line or Lines are seer, from the Line of Life or Mars going to the Mount of Venus, they are termed Lines of friendship. If the Lines are clear of any defect, they indicate pure and good friendship not based an selfish interests. But when unluckily, such Line is found with a star thereon, death of some loved one is indicated. In addition, when a Line from the Mount of Venus runs down cutting the Lines of Life and Fate and or not joining the Head Line, that also surely denotes seperation from or death of some loved one.
K. C. Sen, in his book, Hast Samudrika Shastra, has stated about the lines rising from the Line of Life and running towards Venus thus, on the hands of men, women who are married to them, and on those of women, men who claim the supreme honour of being their husbands, I have generally found these lines denoting marriage partners and in all cases when these lines fade out as they moved towards Venus or were crossed by a deep line from the base of the thumb towards the Line of Life, it has been found by me to denote either the death of the marriage partner or the end of their sexual life, meaning thereby that man and woman would henceforth live as friends.’
But the author is in disagreement with this point of view. These Lines not only show husband and wife but also male and female friends and all other persons who have a deep influence on the life of a subject, whether they be within or outside the family.
When the Lines on the Hand are clear, straight and free from defects and when the Heart Line, is not curved and is forked or is provided with a trishul or triple fork, and the Finger of Mercury is low set with a long first phalange and the
point tipped Finger of Jupiter, that indicates that such persons have friendly feelings and can be good friends but when the Mount of Mercury is deficient and the Finger is low set, they are misled by unscrupulous people for serving their own ends.
A few writers are of opinion that the vertical Lines on the third phalanges of all the Fingers of the right Hand denote friendship. If these Lines are uncrossed by horizontal Lines, they indicate happiness and friendship to the subject.